Sunday, November 06, 2005

NaDruWriNi , part deux

2:31 a.m. rosemount shiraz, 2002. Third glass. so...this is usually my cut off limit. where i can usually go home without reasonably taking out innocent pedestrians. This is also a good time to convince me to just take a shot of bourbon and take a cab home.

My living-in-sin boyfriend asked my why i don't get dancing on the bar drunk. well, it's simple. there was this time. a time that dave attell would consider time traveling. that i drank an entire bottle of red wine, a gift from my orthodontist to my parents, at my then boyfriend's birthday party (one of the three men i dated who later decided to bat for a different team). within a span of a couple of hours, the following things happened:

1. time travel: kissing a man whom i have never met in front of said gay boyfriend
2. time travel: wake up in a closet of sorts
3. time travel: cursing gay boyfriend's best friend in french in a bathroom
4. time travel: puking red wine on white carpet
'nuff said.

so, i'm having a good buzz at the moment. wondering how long i can keep this up. i have stopped capitilizing my sentences. so that's a good indication, i think.


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