Friday, March 24, 2006

eye of the tiger

L.A. Marathon
Originally uploaded by Scarekroe

Can you smell it? No, not that. Pay attention to the odiferous undertones concealed under bus exhaust, the downtown sewer steam, and the bottomless sidewalk grate cum homeless urinal. That’s the smell of Spring, my darlings.

Although some may associate the season with transition and new beginnings, I associate it with marathons*. The smell of sweat, Gatorade and Icy Hot. And while some may be gearing up for the mental and physical challenge of completing a 13-mile run without losing control of their scatological functions, some are devising ways to veer you off course. For some reason, I think that this would be a very effective tool of diversion in the Midwest. Dare you resist the temptations of pastries and hamburgers finished with a beer and a lap dance? Dare you?!?

*I don’t run anymore as recommended by physicians, due to my additional spinal lumbar. I’m laboratory trained indoors on shock reducing equipment. Though strange, I sort of get nostalgic for the opportunity to twist my ankle on exposed tree roots and soak in Epsom salts for three days.


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